What paper do I need to print my payslips on?
You can print payslips onto plain A4 paper using an ordinary printer, such as an inkjet or laser printer.
You can also:
- Use the PDF format to send the payslips by email.
- Print onto A5 paper using the A5 format PDF payslip.
- Print two per sheet, using the A5 format PDF and choosing the 'Multiple pages per sheet' option in Adobe.
- Print onto security mailer stationery, suitable for posting.
The format of PDF payslips can be selected on the Preferences page of our site.
A security mailer is an A4 page with a clear window and an adhesive strip around the edge. After printing the payslip, the mailer is folded in half to create a secure envelope with the address showing through the window.
For security mailer stationery that has been tested with our site, you can order blank payslips EUF-SS from Evrite. To print onto security mailers, set the payslip format within Preferences and then go to the PDF version of the payslip you want to print. Some PDF viewers automatically resize documents for printing. To ensure the address aligns with the window in the mailer, please check the scale is 100%.
Note: The EUF-SS mailer is designed to be used with a laser printer and may not seal correctly if used with an inkjet printer.